How we help

We believe there is no “one size fits all”  when it comes to overcoming challenges and therapeutic support . Therefore, each individual will be assessed and considered through a compassionate, client centred lens from multiple perspectives. We are committed to helping people reach their full potential through a unique and customised combination scientifically supported interventions and techniques. Some of our main domains of focus are:

Science shows us that we are happier and more content when we are actively “doing”. When we disengage in things that are important to us, or cannot fully engage in areas or activities of meaning, or are out of balance in how we spend our time, our overall wellbeing and independence can be negatively impacted. Activity can support us on multiple levels when engaged in a therapeutic sense. At Evolve Occupational Therapy CIC interests, balance of activities, current activity engagement and goals are considered, utilised and addressed. A key part of our practice to grade activities and provide the “just right” amount of support and scaffolding if and when required. This support can lessen as client autonomy grows. We support clients enhance their performance in areas/activities important to them, and also promote and provide opportunities to engage in activities that enhance wellbeing.

Engagement in certain activities have been shown to have a huge significant positive effect in multiple areas of wellbeing with a range of groups. Due to their utility and ability to improve wellbeing and promote healing these are areas of particular expertise. These include:

Yoga (trauma informed, trauma release, for mental and physical health)

Yoga Nidra/Relaxation practices


Somatic and sensory practices



Eco sensory therapy

Meaningful movement

Cold water therapy

Sensory processing including proprioception , interoception and the vestibular sense

Emotional regulation

Executive function- how we plan and execute tasks

Sensory Integration based therapy

Play skills

Learning strategies

Life skills for independence such as teeth brushing, toileting and personal care


Our daily routine lays the foundation for our health and wellbeing. Your lifestyle can be your medicine, it can heal. What we do, and how we do it is important- it can enhance or damage wellbeing . Many of us live on autopilot and keep engaging in a routine may not support us. Others may have a diagnosis, an event or a difficulty that creates challenges in day to day life. At Evolve Occupational Therapy, we are experts in daily structure. We know from experience and from the science that small changes, made consistently, can lead to massive results in function and physical, mental and emotional health.

Lifestyle medicine strategies will take a close look at routines, habits, meaningful occupations autonomy and goals. Changes will be sustainable, accessible and agreed upon in partnership with the client. We are never looking for “perfection” (we know that’s not real), but small, consistent moves in the right direction. This could include things like sleep strategies, nervous system regulation, occupations supportive of goals, organisation structure, emotional regulation, learning strategies, self-care and accessible ways to integrate wellbeing practices into busy, daily life.

At times, it is impossible to “think” our way out of stress, or sadness, or dysregulation. This is where somatic therapies come in- we learn to speak the language of the body. The latest research is showing us that it is essential to address trauma, emotions and dysregulation in the body for complete healing.

Utilising hard wired mechanisms, we can use the body to change the mind. Somatic therapies help us access additional pathways for healing by tapping into the wisdom of the body. You may have heard the phrases “get out of the head and into the body” or “feel to heal”, these describe somatic practices. Somatic practices use the body as a tool for healing through embodied engagement in activity. This can support emotional regulation and overall wellbeing. Many mental and physical health challenges affects the physical body at cell level, including when we experience emotional trauma. Associated symptoms reflect an imbalance in the nervous system. Healing from certain challenges therefore requires interventions that incorporate the body and restore the nervous system back to a state of stability. Individuals who have maladaptive coping strategies, have experienced trauma, experience mental, physical health issues from a dysregulated nervous system (autoimmune, gut issues, skin conditions) emotional or spiritual dysfunction or dysfunction in a particular area(s) of their life can benefit from somatic therapy and embodiment practices.

Somatic practices can:

Release manage stress

Reduce the overactivity of the mind

Support us to engage optimally in the therapeutic process

Help us engage in areas of our life that are important to us

Address physical health issues and mental health issues

Regulate and heal the nervous system

Release past experiences, emotions and trauma stored in the body

Common somatic practices used include yoga, breathwork, vagal nerve stimulation, sensory integration, meditation, embodiment, cold immersion, somatic release.

We offer bespoke sensory interventions. Interventions vary according to the needs and strengths of the individual. They can have an effect on self-regulation, attention, or behavioural organisation. These can include addressing areas such as:

Sensory processing: How does your child interpret the world around them? The senses of proprioception , interoception and the vestibular system are vital to your child’s well-being. Are they hot and unable to identify why? Does their tummy rumble but cannot identify as being in need of food? These feelings often lead to frustrations and emotional outbursts. These body systems are related to our feelings and can make us emotional and present as challenging. We use strategies such as ‘heavy’ work, environmental changes, EcoSensory Therapy, actives, regulating practices, just right state techniques, to calm sensory seeking behaviour, to enhance ability to focus and to support regulation.

Emotional regulation: we offer children the chance to build a tool kit which will equip them in their future to recognise and regulate their emotions. Breathing techniques, creative therapies such as art, physical activities such as yoga, EcoSensory Therapy and brain distraction techniques.

Executive function: how we plan and execute tasks. Through a growth mindset we can introduce strategies to help areas such as planning, adapting to new situations and coping with change, self-control and attention.

Learning strategies: These are different for every child, does your child respond to social stories , we use transitional strategies to help engage your child and transition between tasks. Does your child need movement breaks, brain breaks or visual cues to aid their learning.

Physical aggression: This is often very difficult for parents; we teach replacement behaviours and focus on positive reinforcement.

Nature based interventions and EcoSensory Therapy: Using natural surroundings to enhance cognitive processes , connecting with nature through sight, sound and touch has been proven to help those with ASD, ADHD and sensory challenges. Enabling your child to cope with a wider range of stimuli and reduce problems associated with sensory overload.

Collaborative, interdisplinary sessions can be arranged with an occupational therapist (RCOT and HCPC registered) and a Psychotherpist (BABCP and BACP accredited). This allows for both a cognitive based and body based approach toward health and healing. Talking therapies (for examole: CBT, Family Systems, Compassionate Enquiry), somatic/sensory/body based interventions, nervous system regulation and lifestyle medicine will be addressed. This innovative and novel approach is supported by the latest research and allows the individual a wraparound service.

Science shows us that many of us are disconnected in multiple, significant areas of our life. This could be due to particular circumstances, challenges or simply the due to the culture we reside within. Disconnection in certain areas contributes towards and exacerbates mental health and wellbeing challenges. Healing our lost connections paves the way for deeper meaning, enhanced occupational performance and enhanced wellbeing. Areas of connection Evolve Occupational Therapy CIC address are the ones that have been scientifically shown to have the greatest links to mental and emotional wellbeing and include:

Connection to the Self

Connection to others

Connection to the natural environment

Connection to meaning

Some interventions we use:

  • Yoga (Yoga therapy, trauma sensitive, individual and group)
  • Breathwork
  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness
  • Wild Swimming
  • Talking therapies
  • CBT strategies
  • Lifestyle Medicine/Routine
  • Psychoeducation
  • Eco sensory therapy
  • Somatic Healing Therapies
  • Sensory Attachment Intervention Techniques
  • Just Right State Intervention
  • Nervous System Regulation
  • Sleep strategies
  • Compassionate inquiry
  • Play based learning
  • Emotional regulation
  • Motor skills therapy
  • Executive function coaching- to improve concentration, planning and completing tasks
  • Sensory diet and heavy work activities